Clinician-Focused Education
AAIC features a strong emphasis on clinicians, with educational opportunities for neurologists, geriatricians, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, pharmacists, social workers and more. Learn about the latest dementia research and expand your knowledge of diagnosis and care at AAIC.
Can’t attend all five days of AAIC? Join us at no cost for AAIC For All: Clinicians — in-person in Toronto, live online, or on-demand at your own pace — to hear key highlights from the conference and expand your knowledge of diagnosis, treatment, risk reduction and care
The International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART) gives clinicians the tools to connect, educate and inspire teams to elevate dementia clinical care and research. As a member, you'll be the first to learn about avenues for publication and grant funding, and you'll gain insights on how and where to present your work at future conferences. Learn more about ISTAART benefits at AAIC.
Not a member of ISTAART? Select the ISTAART + AAIC bundle during registration to join and receive exclusive member benefits, including no-cost online attendance, significant discounts for in-person attendance, and access to Professional Interest Area (PIA) Day.
Join ISTAART, an inclusive global network of scientists, clinicians and dementia professionals. With newly discounted rates and free memberships for students, it’s easier than ever to become a part of ISTAART.
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