AAIC Lifetime Achievement Awards in Alzheimer’s Disease Research Recipient List (1988-2024)
Last Name | First Name | Year |
Albert | Marilyn | 2019 |
Anderton | Brian | 2006 |
Ashe | Karen Hsiao | 2010 |
Berg | Leonard | 2000 |
Beyreuther | Konrad | 2002 |
Blennow | Kaj | 2011 |
Braak | Eva | 1998 |
Braak | Heiko | 1998 |
Breteler | Monique M.B. | 2012 |
Brun | Arne | 2002 |
Byrd | Goldie S. | 2024 |
Cotman | Carl | 2008 |
Cummings | Jeffrey L. | 2018 |
Davies | Peter | 2008 |
DeKosky | Steven | 2020 |
de Leon | Mony | 2019 |
Dilworth-Anderson | Peggye | 2022 |
Duyckaerts | Charles | 2006 |
Evans | Denis | 2016 |
Fagan | Anne | 2023 |
Frangione | Blas | 2000 |
Gadjusek | Carlton | 1992 |
Goate | Alison | 2015 |
Fratiglioni | Laura | 2013 |
Ghetti | Bernardino | 2008 |
Giacobini | Ezio | 2002 |
Glenner | George C. | 1994 |
Gottfries | Carl-Gerhard | 1998 |
Greengard | Paul | 1990 |
Griffin | Sue | 2016 |
Grundke-Iqbal | Inge | 2000 |
Hardy | John | 2011 |
Hasegawa | Kazuo | 1996 |
Hendrie | Hugh | 2017 |
Hodges | John | 2015 |
Hoyer | Sigfreid | 2006 |
Hyman | Bradley T. | 2012 |
Imahori | Kazutomo | 1996 |
Ishii | Tsuyoshi | 1996 |
Iwatsubo | Takeshi | 2010 |
Jellinger | Kurt | 1998 |
Johnson | Keith | 2022 |
Katzman | Robert | 2000 |
Kawas | Claudia | 2017 |
Khachachurian | Zaven | 1988 |
Kidd | Michael | 1998 |
Koo | Edward | 2017 |
Lannfelt | Lars | 2019 |
Lee | Virginia | 2009 |
Lopera | Francisco | 2020 |
Mandelkow | Eva-Maria | 2013 |
Mandelkow | Eckhard | 2013 |
Martin | George M. | 2000 |
Masters | Colin | 2006 |
Mayeux | Richard | 2009 |
McGeer | Patrick | 2004 |
McKee | Ann C. | 2018 |
McKeith | Ian | 2015 |
Mesulam | Marsel | 2010 |
Miller | Bruce | 2023 |
Morris | John | 2004 |
Mucke | Lennart | 2012 |
Nishimura | Tsuyoshi | 1996 |
Nitrini | Ricardo | 2024 |
Nixon | Ralph A. | 2024 |
Nordberg | Agneta | 2002 |
Nordberg | Agneta | 2022 |
Novák | Michal | 2021 |
Pepeu | Giancarlo | 2006 |
Pericak-Vance | Margaret A. | 2011 |
Petersen | Ronald | 2013 |
Poirier | Judes | 1996 |
Price | Donald | 2015 |
Reisberg | Barry | 2004 |
Rogers | Joseph | 2004 |
Roses | Allen | 1996 |
Rossor | Martin | 2009 |
Roth | Martin | 1992 |
Scheltens | Philip | 2023 |
Selkoe | Dennis | 2008 |
Sevennerholm | Lars | 1992 |
Soininen | Hilkka | 2021 |
Swaab | Dick F. | 2002 |
Tateishi | Jun | 1996 |
Terry | Robert D. | 1994 |
Tomlinson | Bernard | 1992 |
Trojanowski | John Q. | 2018 |
Van Broeckhoven | Christine | 2020 |
Weiner | Michael W. | 2021 |
Winblad | Bengt | 2016 |
Wisniewski | Henry M. | 1994 |
Younkin | Steven G. | 2014 |
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